Saturday, 5 November 2011

Week 6

Final Analytics Engine:

For the Analytics Engine I plan to incorporate the sense of space which derives from the user’s interaction with the architecture. The space in which users circulate will only form solid walls once the room is filled with multiple users and the floor lights up when the maximum amount of people are on each floor. 

Final Video Tutorial: 

For my final video tutorial displayed above, I have chosen to demonstrate to users of Sandbox 2, Google Sketchup and 3ds Max, how to easily work between the three programs. It is assumed that the viewers of the tutorial are already familiar with the interface of 3ds Max, Google Sketchup 8, downloading Google Sketchup plug-ins and the Sandbox 2 Editor. The main source of frustration which arose from doing EXP1 and EXP2 was the material editing/importing/exporting for myself personally. Most people would prefer applying their textures using Google Sketchup because it is much easier to understand, but once one gets the grasp of 3ds Max they will realise that there are many more options for applying the textures, for example, like using bump maps. Sandbox 2 itself has options for material editing, but I’d prefer the users to familiarise themselves with a wider range of 3d modelling programs. This is because the objects edited in Sandbox 2 cannot be exported to any other 3d modelling editing program.

Final 3D model on Google Warehouse:

Files to FileFront:

Found Here
(The Level - Found Here)

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